Serving Others in Ministry

There are so many opportunities to serve. The Lord sent His disciples out two by two! Service is more enjoyable when we work together! These are some of the ways in which we serve God, our community and each other.

  • Altar Guild
    We maintain the linens, silver and supplies to serve communion, set up for baptisms, funerals and other services as directed by our pastor. No experience necessary! On the job training provided! Great boss! You’ll never work alone! Time commitment is one month per year with about 6 hours per month.

  • Adult Choir
    We provide a “joyful noise” at the Sunday morning Liturgical Services (8:30 AM). All you just need is to be able to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!” and be between ages 13 and those “young at heart”. Contact the church office for practice times.

  • Church Library
    Immanuel has established a library of Christian books for our members. There are fiction and nonfiction books, topics for children, teens, and families, Bible study guides and Sunday School materials. Help with this ministry is always welcome.

  • LWML Mites
    Mite boxes are used by the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League to further God’s kingdom. Pick up a box so you can regularly “feed” it! Boxes are collected regularly throughout the year.

  • Praise Team
    The Praise Team provides music for our 11:00 AM Worship Service.

  • Radio Ministry
    We record selected portions (readings, sermon, and more as time allows) of our 8:30 AM service and replay on WCEI, 96.7 FM, for at 10:00 AM. A copy is also created for our webpage. Helpers are always needed. The procedure is not complicated and training is provided. This is valuable part of our outreach.

  • Special Events Team
    We act as “hosts” and “hostesses” for funerals and weddings, providing the physical needs for an event. This gives Pastor a better opportunity to focus on the spiritual needs of the families.

  • Special Work Days
    The Vice President heads up these days with a list created beforehand. Occasionally members are asked to assist in various projects for the maintenance and improvement of our church. These are generally held on Saturdays. Please contact the church office to volunteer.

  • Others

    • Sound System Operators