Partners in Mission

Mariah’s Mission

Immanuel Lutheran is happy to be in a new ministry partnership with Mariah’s Mission and their Executive Director Mrs. Valerie Albee. She and her staff work out of our church facility and reach out to the community with the hands and feet of Jesus. If you would like to donate items for this mission, please contact out church office. The Mission involves both Mariah’s Closet and Wheels For Change.

The Mission of Mariah’s Mission

The goal of Mariah’s Closet is to empower those struggling with addiction by providing the resources needed to encourage changes that lead to a healthy and independent life. Through monetary and gently-used clothing donations from the community, we aim to provide a pathway to a long-lasting recovery. Our doors are open to anyone in the county who needs clothing, bedding or toiletries.

In addition, the “Wheels for Change,” was created to be a program that focuses on refurbishing donated bicycles to lend to those in need. The ability to get to meetings, jobs, and appointments eliminates transportation barriers and provides support and encouragement.

All of this is possible because of the continued generosity of our volunteer staff.