Immanuel’s Inclement Weather Policy

The Board of Trustees in consultation with the Pastor and the Talbot County Emergency Services Facebook page will evaluate the updates on the status of threatening weather, road conditions, and the Snow Emergency Status.

Here’s our general principle: when a Phase I (or higher) Snow Emergency has been declared, we will cancel all Immanuel activities. If it has not yet been cancelled, we shall use our own judgment as to whether we shall cancel.

Our goal shall be to make this decision, if possible, by 6:00AM of the day affected by the cancellation. If the weather suddenly worsens and the status changes, we shall change our cancellation status immediately to reflect those changes.

We will publicize our cancellation as follows:

  • We will update the phone message on Immanuel’s phone number (410-822-5665) to state that Immanuel is closed.• We shall add this same status to our Facebook page (Immanuel Lutheran of Easton, MD), Immanuel website (, and any other relevant social media.

  • We will send it out to our email list.

  • We shall forward this change in status to WCEI for them to place on their website and radio broadcast (

  • We shall forward it to WBOC for them to place it on their television broadcast (

  • If we have cancelled services, all after-service and evening activities shall be cancelled, including events by outside groups.

If you have any questions about this policy or its implementation, please contact the Board of Trustees (410-822-5665 or